Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank you to the American Cancer Society!

First, I would like to say sorry to those who are following my blog. I haven't been updating it nearly as much as I should be. But I guess that's because I'm healthy, happy and sometimes can't bring myself to try and reflect on my current feelings.

However, there has been so much going on! Which is absolutely fantastic.

Before I continue to post,  I'd like to send out a HUGE thank you to the American Cancer Society. The last few weeks, they have been absolutely incredible in helping me tell my story and share my experiences with the world.

I was asked to speak at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer breakfast here in New York in mid-August (where I tried to post my speech but it didn't work). I was also asked to share my story on realbeauty.com along with other breast cancer survivors - which should go live any day now. And Nate and I were given the opportunity to be interviewed by WABC News (local ABC), Channel 7 to discuss our journey through breast cancer.  

If you would like to view the segment, please visit:

Please stay tuned for my future posts. I promise I'll be better at updating!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Making Strides Breakfast

For those of you who may not know, the American Cancer Society asked me (yes me!!) to be the survivor speaker at their annual breakfast for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.

On August 18, 2011, I spoke at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Grand Central Station in front of 1500+ people and was accompanied by my amazing Mom and Nate the Great.

Take a look to see my speech below....



Saturday, August 20, 2011

Making Strides in more ways than one.

Since my treatment has been over, I've really been trying to get involved with breast cancer awareness and really trying to reach out to people in their time of need. In doing so, I reached out to the American Cancer Society. In just a few weeks, they had me do a photoshoot with realbeauty.com highlighting breast cancer survivors, an interview with ABC News (scheduled for October 1!) and just recently, to speak at the annual kickoff breakfast for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.

I can't even begin to explain how lucky I feel to be healthy, happy and to be able to share my experiences. There were women who came up to me after the breakfast just wanting to introduce themselves, wanting to kiss Nate the Great, give my mom a hug and kiss and thank me for telling my story. Having these women approach me and say the things they did just gives a little bit of reason behind going through such a terrible thing.

So I'm writing this entry to thank all of you out there for keeping me strong and keeping me positive and allowing me to share my story with you.

We are all making big strides, together!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So much has happened!

Almost a year since my last post! You should see my hair! It's past my shoulders now can you believe it? More than that, my sister has had a baby girl: Caroline Hafner. She is by far the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. So many joys have taken place over the last year. My mom is doing so well, my friends have gotten married and had babies, my sister has given birth to my favorite person in the world and I am feeling better and healthier than ever.

There have been some things that I will get into that aren't 100 percent ideal but they aren't bad! Things like finding out hummus has natural estrogen and that maybe I'm not approved to bear children...but watching your sister raise a child and learn to breast feed and walkthrough the challenges of being pregnant and giving birth with such ease makes me so happy that even if I can't, I'm just so thankful that she can. Because I would have been utterly pissed at god if he took that away from both of us.

So much to be thankful for this past year. I said in the beginning of 2011 that I think it's going to be the best year ever and I believe it! Until next year, when that's the best year! And then the next and then the next and so on!!

I have to go to bed because I'm extremely tired. But I have to end with this. Kim kardashian, please for one minute stop f-ing worrying about your psoriasis and come crying when you have one real thing to worry about. I normally love watching your show, but you truly made me annoyed tonight. Please just appreciate what you have. Because you're acting ridiculous.