Monday, August 24, 2009

Hmmm... what to think?

Cancer is a funny thing because it makes you rethink just about every single aspect of your life.

  • Should you forgive?
  • Should you move on?
  • Should you write a book?
  • Should you live dangerously because life is short?
  • Should you live carefully because life is precious?
  • Should you eat whatever you want to make yourself feel better?
  • What do you want in your future?
  • What do you want now?
  • How do you feel?
  • Does this certain situation matter?
  • Who cares!

These are just some questions and thoughts that run through my mind on a, pretty much, daily basis. One thing that I thought about quite often in the beginning of this mess, is about forgiving people. And I think that's a pretty serious topic.

But what I've realized is this: you must surround yourself with people who love you and people whom you love. These people are here for you without cancer and with cancer. They support you, ask how you're feeling even when you're fine. Want to know your dreams, your thoughts, your fears. They laugh with you, they cry with you. They're just always there.

So, just because you have cancer, and your life takes a huge, dramatic, crazy change, you are still you. No matter what. And hurt, distrust, and the feeling of insincerity never goes away.

I cherish my family and my friends. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hi... Thank you for writing so honestly. I just found your blog. I'm 30 years old and was just diagnosed with BC a week ago. My mom found your mom through a support group for moms of BC survivors, and then your mom found my blog, and that's how I found yours!
