Sunday, June 3, 2012

Goodnight Drew

Just sitting here reflecting on the past few weeks. Memorial Day weekend ... what a weekend. After spending 2 amazing days with my best friends in the world eating Maryland blue crabs, playing Buffalo-born Kan-Jam and drinking Natty Bo beers, the fun came to an end on Tuesday when Nate and I attended our friend Drew Putzel's service and funeral.

I didn't get to know Drew nearly as much as even Nate. Nate had spent much time with Drew at work and many a night after work having a beer. But I only knew Drew in the office and hung out with him outside the office just a handful of times.

Drew passed away just about one week ago and I still can't get over it. He was the cute guy at the office. The guy always smiling, a little shy, but witty at the same time. He was adorable and had so much more life to live.

After attending his funeral on Tuesday, I just can't believe this happened. His beautiful girlfriend Brooke was so graceful. She cried, she hugged and I just couldn't help but think how she must be feeling. I thought about Nate. And how I couldn't go on if anything ever happened to him. I thought about any of us passing away. It's going to happen at some point in our lives, but could it be around the corner for any of us?

I mean, I feel as though I beat death. I guess it just wasn't my time. But why Drew?

I have a heavy heart about losing Drew. About how his family, best friends and girlfriend are feeling now that he's gone. His big pearly white smile will always be remembered in my heart and if I've learned anything, it's to truly cherish every single moment you have on Earth. With strangers, with loved ones and most of all with yourself.

G'night Drew. Heaven is a brighter place knowing you are there.

1 comment:

  1. Well put Kara, I miss him and my heart goes out to his loved ones...
