Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Allison and Katie came up to visit last week to bring not only smiles to my face while dealing with the after effects of my surgery, but an array of flowers! They're the best. (Thanks ladies - miss you already!)

Since they had just driven a good 3 hours, we decided to go for lunch....so, we headed to the Pompton Queen Diner. I wanted to look good for the girls despite my surgery, so I had on a black dress (actually, my black pajamas to cover my drains) and my jean jacket on top. Plus, a little army-looking hat, some red lipstick and big diamond studs. I looked great, if I must say so myself -- only 1 week after surgery!

As we got to the diner, we started to approach the front door. As we are walking up the stairs, an old man was standing there. He looked at me in a friendly way and said, "Do you have hair under there?" And I looked at him in a sweet voice, and said, "No, I actually do not."

Do you know what he said? You're never going to believe this:


You know what I said back? "Oh, really because I have cancer sir!"

I was hot on my toes. I actually did the head jab like those girls from the hood! I couldn't believe it. My roommates from college stood there in shock. We all couldn't believe this bitter old man just approached me about my hair and then made a very rude and obnoxious comment because I am bald!

After I said that to him, he looked away and started laughing as though he just put is big fat, old, foot in his mouth. Ugh. I was fuming! And a little shaky.

Later on, we went to my sister's house for the 4th of July fireworks being set off at the town high school. We had a great time! And I got to show off my new healthy set of tatas.

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