Friday, February 24, 2012

Making Lemonade

I just came across an amazing article that is so closely to how I have been thinking about breast cancer and I love the energy that is put behind this effort. It plays on the idea that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. And that's definitely how being diagnosed with breast cancer was for me.

There is a woman by the name of Corinne Ellsworth Beaumont, who had 2 grandmothers who both passed away from breast cancer. She tried to find out more information at the age of 21, and couldn't really get any good solid understanding of what could happen her. As a graphic artist, she used the above metaphor and created the below visual identity of breast cancer - to help teach women all over the world about breast cancer in all women.

Check it out:

Cudos to you Corinne!

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